
Genealogy "Look-up" Service

Are you searching for your family tree, for your roots, or just looking for records of someone dear to you?

We Can Help ...

If you are from out of the area and need assistance obtaining an obituary from our local newspaper or other resources, please email the Reference Department at or send a letter to the Reference Department, Carnegie Public Library, 219 E. Fourth Street, East Liverpool, OH 43920. 
Please make your request as specific as possible as it will be researched and processed for up to 30 minutes.  Open-ended and "needle-in-the-haystack" requests are highly discouraged.  Researchers seeking inquiry for such questions should consult a researcher for hire. There is a list of genealogists at the Board for Certification of Genealogists website.
We also have subscriptions to HeritageQuest and Ancestry Library Edition available through library computers.  Stop by to search for your family's information! Go to for the digitized Review newspaper, 2005-2023.
 If we have not been able to help you please try contacting one of the following web pages:
If you want to learn more about the Tri-State Area of Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania please take a look at the Local History section of the Library Home Page. There are also Sanborn Fire Maps available for Ohio communities, drawn between 1882 and 1962.
Here is another genealogy website.