The Teen Summer Reading Club begins June 6th and there are two ways to participate.
1. Enter checkout slips for a chance to win weekly prizes. Start returning June 6th.
2. Sample some lifetime fitness activities by signing up to attend programs held every Tuesday at 1 p.m.
Prizes include pizza from local businesses, YMCA passes, and sports themed items. Slips must include a name and phone number.
Questions? Call 330-385-2048x101
Program Schedule:
June 7 - Yoga and Meditation - with Amy McCormack
June 14 - Meeting @ YMCA Downtown - with Sierra Estell
June 21 - Nutrition and Yoga - with Aimee George
June 28 - Health and Fitness Apps - with Robyn Wright
July 5 - Karate - with Karen Globa, ATA Martial Arts
July 12 - Hiking - To be determined
You must wear workout gear appropriate for the activity.
Library employees and members of their household are not eligible for prizes.